These times we are in and the lockdown gives one too much time to think but also the chance to think of others and, given the strains on our mind this has ensured, we started to think if we could do some good to make someone's day or life better.
As such, we came up with the idea of making a hat for charity with three winners: the person who wins the prize, Pieta House and also FAO Millinery as we get unique enjoyment out of the care put into a product of this nature.
And so it is that you can win a designer hat and save lives! FAO Millinery is raising funds for Pieta House's Darkness Into Light, https://www.pieta.ie which, in these unprecedented times, will be run without walking.
Darkness into Light is postponed Saturday (May 9) due to Covid-19. Without the funds raised by this event, all of Pieta’s services are now facing an immediate and devastating financial crisis. More than 80pc of its funds come from the public. Pieta and Electric Ireland invites everyone to show community and solidarity with those impacted by suicide by getting up at 5.30am on May 9 to watch the sunrise from their homes.
Since 2006 Pieta has seen and helped over 48,000 people in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm, and established 15 centres across Ireland.
As a means to help, FAO Millinery is offering a lucky winner a free handmade hat or headpiece, made to measure from our website including the recently-released spring/summer range.
Each ticket costs just €10; you are free to donate more if you desire.
The link is https://www.gofundme.com/f/hat-for-heads
Winner will be drawn from a hat in live draw on our instagram at 6pm on Sunday, May 10.
Thank you all for supporting.